Philisa Abafazi Bethu

Anna Jensen | Denmark

When I first came to PAB in 2009, Lucinda was running her programs from the garage of her family home, while working part time on the side. Over the next 3 years I spend more time in Lavender Hill than at my actual home. I helped protect women against domestic abuse, I held the hands of rape victims, I handed out food to people who were victims of fires and I even helped deliver a baby in front of Lucinda’s house. And I loved every second of it. The dedication, empowerment and belief Lucinda shows the community is truly inspirational! Working with PAB is the one decision I’ve ever made, which has singlehandedly impacted my own life profoundly. Ever since I worked with the women and children in that garage, I’ve been back to visit and work for Lucinda at least once a year. Lucinda and her family are my family, and the people of Lavender Hill are my people. I feel at home in Lavender Hill, and I feel at home surrounded by Lucinda, her family and the staff at PAB. I can nothing but recommend and encourage everyone who believes in equal rights, activism and justice to engage with PAB. But be aware – it might profoundly impact your life!